How it works

We handle everything from selling ads, billing customers, printing and shipping items, and even distributing copies to advertisers.


Schools: Tell us what design you would like on the front of your shirt. For posters, send us a copy of your schedule.

Advertisers: You can send logos, slogans, site addresses, support messages and other text and graphics.


Schools: Shirts will feature your selected design on the front. Posters will be printed in full color with your schedule.

Advertisers: Shirt ads are printed in the color selected by the school. Poster and pocket ads are printed in black.


Schools:  In just a few weeks, your school will receive hundreds of free shirts, full-color posters or pockets!

Advertisers: Your ad will be seen repeatedly via our products, meaning more exposure for your business!

I'm Interested In...

“I GOT THEM!!!! THEY’RE AMAZING!!!! Thank you sooo much! The students who will receive them will be extremely excited!!!!! Thanks again ~ we would love to do this again with you in the future!”

Bambi Mensinger

Activities Director